Wednesday 13 January 2016

Improving our air samples and triggering mechanism

At the moment, we are working on improvements to our air samples and triggering mechanism.

Up to now, our triggering mechanism contains tiny pins, loops and much precision work shortly before the Launch Campaign. Working on it during the 2015 competition under pressure of time was really stressful. The new mechanism will work with a rotating panel and strings. We'll keep you up to date how exactly it will work when we've figured out how we're going to proceed.

As mentioned in the previous post, we're going to use vacuettes to collect the air samples.

To make them fit into our CanSat, we're gonna have to restructure it. In addition to that, we are at the moment planning to exchange some of the CanSat's components that didn't work properly last year or will be unnecessary during this year's competition.

We're also planning the exact produre of collecting the air samples. For example, the vacuettes have to be tested, placed in the can properly and brought together with the triggering mechanism. You see: there's lots of work  to be done.

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